#3 Call of Duty made 27 billion US dollars revenue from selling the Call of duty lifetime series.#2 Has more 100 million monthly active users.This makes it one of the bestselling & top grossing video games franchises worldwide. #1 As of April 2021, The Call of Duty has generated more than 400 million lifetime unit sales.The most recent release was Call of Duty: Black Cops Cold War launched in November 2020 and the next release will be in November 2021 for the launch of Call of Duty: Vanguard. The initial release happened on October 29, 2003, it first focused on games set in Word War II. Call of duty (COD) is a first person shooting video game franchise published by Activation.

This Call of Duty mobile name generator have various attractive font styles such as strikeThrough, underline, slashThrough, heartsBetween, firework, kirbyHug, invertedSquares, Cursive, oldEnglish, wideText, etc.

The tool has 90+ fancy fonts from which you can generate different stylish names that can be directly used in COD username with the help Rename Card. Call of Duty COD ☮😎Stylish👑♤ Name Font Generator with Symbols - ℂσ𝓟Ƴ ℙαŞᵗᵉ 𝐓OㄖĻ The call of duty (COD) name generator will create different stylish names which you can directly use in COD username.